Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park

Rocky Stream on Fiery Gizzard Trail

View of boulder filled stream

Monteagle, TN


Fiery Gizzard Trail is part of the Fiery Gizzard region of South Cumberland State Park.  The Fiery Gizzard Trail is a wonderful trail for hiking or backpacking with a friend if interested in hiking the whole trail.  This trail is offers opportunities to view waterfalls, cascades, 500 + year old hemlocks, and the Black Canyon.  There are also several varieties of wildflowers that inhabit this region, including the Pink Lady Slipper, which is rare and illegal to pick.

Fiery Gizzard Trail, South Cumberland State Park

Activities: Hiking, Photography, Walking, Picnicking, Camping, Backpacking
Location: South Cumberland State Park, Marion county, Tennessee
Directions: Take US 64 to US 41, Fiery Gizzard is located after the visitors center on the right side of the road (the park is labeled with a brown sign reading Grundy State Forest).  A second entrance can also be found at Foster Falls Area.
Trails: Fiery Gizzard Trail (17 miles one-way)
Topography: Hardwood forest, bluffs, streams, waterfalls
Hiking Information: A good portion of this trail narrow with exposed tree roots and large rocks.
Trail Map: Available at the South Cumberland Visitors Center on 41 between Monteagle and Tracy City
Photo Album: More Photos

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Page Updated: May 16, 2004