Piney Falls Trail

Rock stairs on Piney Falls Trail

View of the rock stairs leading to the swinging bridge on Piney Falls Trail

Pikeville, TN


Piney Falls Trail is split into two parts. One part of the trail leads to Piney Falls Overlook, which offers a view of Piney Creek Falls. The part of the trail leads down hill to a set of rock stairs and then over a swinging bridge which crosses over Piney Creek.

Piney Falls Trail

Activities: Hiking, Photography
Location: Fall Creek Falls State Park, Pikeville, TN
Directions: This trail is located off the Gorge Scenic Drive at the Piney Falls Parking area
Trails: Piney Falls Trail
Topography: Hardwood forest, bluffs, streams, waterfall
Hiking Information: This trail has a swinging bridge which crosses over Piney Creek
Trail Map: Available at the Information office (I highly recommended getting one of these maps)
Photo Album: Other Photographs

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Page Updated: April 3, 2004