J.D. and Annie S. Hays Nature Preserve

View of Picnic Point

View of Picnic Point

Hampton Cove, AL


J.D. and Annie S. Hays Nature Preserve was donated to the city of Huntsville in January 2000 by the people that its namesake comes from.  It is approximately 540 acres of beautiful woods, bottomland, and farmland.  Within its boundaries, can be found a serene setting for picnicking, canoeing, and hiking.  It is a wonderful place to get away from the hustle and bustle of Huntsville.

J.D. and Annie S. Hays Nature Preserve banner

Activities: Hiking, Biking, Photography, Picnicking
Location: Hampton Cove, AL
Directions: Just off of  431 on Wells Rd. If coming from Huntsville it is before Flint River Bridge and will be the first road after 324 mile marker coming from Huntsville.  There is no road sign for Wells only a small paved road with a gate on left side of 431.
Trails: Beaver Dam Run, Tupelo Path, Duck Weed Trail, and Flint Trail
Topography: Rivers, streams, low-land swamp, and dense forest.
Hiking Information: Make sure to bring bug spray and good hiking boots after any amount of rain can be muddy
Trail Map: Trail map can be found on location.
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Page Updated: March 21, 2004