fawn_amber.jpg (36528 bytes) Fawn
BS in Management Information Systems
Loves hiking, animals, and traveling
Website Photographer, Trail Information, Page Layout, and Graphics Designer
Scooter Brown Scooter
BS in Computer Engineering
Loves computers and electrical components
Website Technical Support and Menu Layout
computer_amber.jpg (31055 bytes) Amber, CGC; Jindo (AKA Cool Puppy)
Schooling: Intermediate Obedience and Novice Agility
Loves hunting, traveling, and sleeping
Wildlife Spotter
basketball_star.jpg (130930 bytes) Belle, CGC; Boxer
Schooling: Beginner Obedience and Advanced Beginner Agility
Loves being the boss, playing chase, and running
Trail Leader
lizard.jpg (45478 bytes) Lizzy, CGC; Boxer mix, (AKA Lizard)
Schooling: Beginner Obedience and Advanced Beginner Agility
Loves to nibble on people and going for long walks
Trail Motivator

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